Classical ELA Features#

The term Exploratory Landscape Analysis (ELA) features (as introduced by Mersmann et al., 2011 [1]) summarizes a group of characteristics, which quantifies certain properties of a continuous optimization problem. In its original version, ELA covered a total of 50 features - grouped into six so-called low-level properties (Convexity, Curvature, y-Distribution, Levelset, Local Search and Meta Model). These (numerical values) were used to characterize (usually categorical and expert-designed) high-level properties, such as the Global Structure, Multimodality or Variable Scaling. The figure below visualizes the connections between the low- and high-level properties.


(Inspired by Mersmann et al., 2011 [1])

A detailed description of the features can be found in Mersmann et al. (2011) [1]. Below you find a code example.

from pflacco.sampling import create_initial_sample
from pflacco.classical_ela_features import *

# Arbitrary objective function
def objective_function(x):
   return sum(x**2)

dim = 3
# Create inital sample using latin hyper cube sampling
X = create_initial_sample(dim, sample_type = 'lhs')
# Calculate the objective values of the initial sample
# using an arbitrary objective function
y = X.apply(lambda x: objective_function(x), axis = 1)

# Compute the 3 feature sets from the classical ELA features which are solely based on the initial sample
ela_meta = calculate_ela_meta(X, y)
ela_distr = calculate_ela_distribution(X, y)
ela_level = calculate_ela_level(X, y)

# Compute the remaining 3 feature sets from the classical ELA features which do require additional function evaluations
ela_local = calculate_ela_local(X, y, f = objective_function, dim = dim, lower_bound = -1, upper_bound = 1)
ela_curv = calculate_ela_curvate(X, y, f = objective_function, dim = dim, lower_bound = -1, upper_bound = 1)
ela_conv = calculate_ela_conv(X, y, f = objective_function)

Literature Reference