Getting Started#

Pflacco offers a variety of different landscape features. These are compartmentalized into three submodules:

The following code example provides a demonstration of the different submodules.

from pflacco.sampling import create_initial_sample
from pflacco.classical_ela_features import calculate_ela_distribution
from pflacco.misc_features import calculate_fitness_distance_correlation
from pflacco.local_optima_network_features import compute_local_optima_network, calculate_lon_features

# Arbitrary objective function
def objective_function(x):
   return x[0]**2 - x[1]**2

dim = 2
# Create inital sample using latin hyper cube sampling
X = create_initial_sample(dim, sample_type = 'lhs')
# Calculate the objective values of the initial sample
# using an arbitrary objective function (here y = x1^2 - x2^2)
y = X.apply(lambda x: objective_function(x), axis = 1)

# Compute an exemplary feature set from the convential ELA features
# of the R-package flacco
ela_distr = calculate_ela_distribution(X, y)

# Compute an exemplary feature set from the novel features
# which are not part of the R-package flacco yet.
fdc = calculate_fitness_distance_correlation(X, y)

# Compute a Local Optima Network (LON). From this network, LON features can be calculated.
nodes, edges = compute_local_optima_network(f=objective_function, dim=dim, lower_bound=0, upper_bound=1)
lon = calculate_lon_features(nodes, edges)

It is also possible to include objective functions provided by other packages such as COCO and ioh.

Note that these packages do not always pandas dataframes as input. Hence, sometimes it is necessary to transform the initial sample X to a numpy array

COCO Example#

In order for the following code snippet to work, you have install coco first (which is not possible via pip/conda). This code snippet calculates the specified landscape features for the well-known single-objective noiseless Black-Box Optimization Benchmark (BBOB). The optimization problems are comprised of all 24 functions in dimensions 2 and 3 for the first five instances.

import cocoex
from pflacco.classical_ela_features import *
from pflacco.sampling import create_initial_sample

features = []
# Get all 24 single-objective noiseless BBOB function in dimension 2 and 3 for the first five instances.
suite = cocoex.Suite("bbob", f"instances:1-5", f"function_indices:1-24 dimensions:2,3")
for problem in suite:
   dim = problem.dimension
   fid = problem.id_function
   iid = problem.id_instance

   # Create sample
   X = create_initial_sample(dim, lower_bound = -5, upper_bound = 5)
   y = X.apply(lambda x: problem(x), axis = 1)

   # Calculate ELA features
   ela_meta = calculate_ela_meta(X, y)
   ela_distr = calculate_ela_distribution(X, y)
   nbc = calculate_nbc(X, y)
   disp = calculate_dispersion(X, y)
   ic = calculate_information_content(X, y, seed = 100)

   # Store results in pandas dataframe
   data = pd.DataFrame({**ic, **ela_meta, **ela_distr, **nbc, **disp, **{'fid': fid}, **{'dim': dim}, **{'iid': iid}}, index = [0])

features = pd.concat(features).reset_index(drop = True)

IOH Example#

Similar to the example above, this code snippet calculates the specified landscape features for the well-known single-objective noiseless Black-Box Optimization Benchmark (BBOB). The optimization problems are comprised of all 24 functions in dimensions 2 and 3 for the first five instances. In constrast to coco, ioh can be installed via pip/conda and offers other benchmark problems. See the respective documentation for more details.

from pflacco.classical_ela_features import *
from pflacco.sampling import create_initial_sample
from ioh import get_problem, ProblemType

features = []
# Get all 24 single-objective noiseless BBOB function in dimension 2 and 3 for the first five instances.
for fid in range(1,25):
   for dim in [2, 3]:
      for iid in range(1, 6):
            # Get optimization problem
            problem = get_problem(fid, iid, dim, problem_type = ProblemType.BBOB)

            # Create sample
            X = create_initial_sample(dim, lower_bound = -5, upper_bound = 5)
            y = X.apply(lambda x: problem(x), axis = 1)

            # Calculate ELA features
            ela_meta = calculate_ela_meta(X, y)
            ela_distr = calculate_ela_distribution(X, y)
            ela_level = calculate_ela_level(X, y)
            nbc = calculate_nbc(X, y)
            disp = calculate_dispersion(X, y)
            ic = calculate_information_content(X, y, seed = 100)

            # Store results in pandas dataframe
            data = pd.DataFrame({**ic, **ela_meta, **ela_distr, **nbc, **disp, **{'fid': fid}, **{'dim': dim}, **{'iid': iid}}, index = [0])

features = pd.concat(features).reset_index(drop = True)